Sunday, 1 February 2015

Title Name Decisions - First Draft

When deciding on the name of our film we looked at the titles given to products similar to ours. We saw a trend in which many detective films were named after the detective himself such as Sherlock Holmes and Ace Ventura. We decided to follow this style by naming our film after the main character. This meant that when choosing his name, we had to make sure it was something memorable that people wouldn't forget. Initially, using a random name generator, we found names like:
Billy Tipps
Lionel Merrywether
Gregory Harrisson

We decided to narrow down our search by looking for names that contained alliteration. These were some examples generated:
Henry Hothsford
Jed Johnson
Ryan Robinson

After generating quite a few names and testing them out verbally we came across the name "Mack Mason". This suited our character perfectly so we agreed on the name however we changed the spelling to "Mac Mayson" to add more personality to the character

The final title name is:

The Surprising Adventures of Mac Mayson